Find Gratitude for the Hard Times
I'm focusing on feeling grateful. But, it's hard to find gratitude when you also see what is not so great.
The country is in turmoil. People seem to be getting more and more anxious while communities feel disconnected. We are so busy.
Despite all of these things that I cannot directly control, I am choosing to be grateful for things abundant in my life now. I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach yoga so soon after arriving in Albany. I'm grateful for all of my yoga students, who are so receptive to what I bring. I'm grateful that we found a house that has a proper studio space so I can teach people from home.
But, the biggest thing I am grateful for is that I have had a hard time learning what I know. Yes, I am grateful for a hard path. I’m grateful for every teacher who knocked me down for asking a question because it made me self-motivated to find the answer for myself. I'm grateful for learning-- I'm always learning something new. I'm so grateful to not be stubborn to the point that I feel I have nothing new to learn. Perhaps it comes from my theatre training in which I learned there is always another possibility, always another strategy, always another collaboration waiting to happen. I always have more to learn.
I’m grateful to know that I am dedicated to helping women find optimal health in the body/mind/voice/spirit complex with what I am able to offer, even if my resources feel limited.
I'm grateful for the magic I feel when I'm teaching and I am clearly attuned with my students, the space, and the information I bring forth that I learned from practicing for hours on my mat, studying with master teachers, and NEVER being embarrassed to raise my hand and ask the question.
I'm grateful for where I am. I have a path ahead of me in a part of the country that is new to me, and it's all unfolding from here. I'm grounded on this trail with my head rising tall, my heart open, and curious about what's ahead.