The toolkit I teach my students is what I have adapted from an actor training modality for my professional clients.
I call it the “Get Real System.”
If you want to be influential in your life (or change the path you are on), the Get Real System is how you assess what’s going on so you can behave in a way that creates your desired outcome.
In this 30-minute webinar, participants will learn the framework actors to gather evidence to then follow impulses on the BEST ACTION.
The Get Real System teaches:
how to be objective so you can be RESPONSIVE, not reactive, to life’s circumstances
how to assess based on evidence of what’s happening so the inner critic doesn’t hook you into an imagined conspiracy
how to determine available options at play so you can take the next best steps in your life
The Get Real System has been my framework for life coaching.
Want to know how this system can change your life? Sign up below to find out!
Friday, June 17 at 12:00 PM
On Zoom (you’ll get the link in your email confirmation)
(recordings are shared with registrants in case you cannot join live and are available for 48 hours)