Put COMMUNE back into Communication
My God, I had just screamed at my child for...being a child!
Here was my toddler, screaming in her bedroom and refusing to take a nap.
“Mommy needs to rest and YOU need to rest! Lay down with your books and rest!”
She wasn’t having it. The shrill of her voice in my ears made my blood boil.
My breath was tight in my chest until the steam burst out of me:
“GO! TO! SLEEP!” with a pound on her door.
I felt my voice leave my throat through a violent tear. It took part of my heart with it.
Oh, God. I just terrified my child and completely lost myself in the process.
My daughter, crying. Me, burned out beyond my wildest nightmare.
This is not how motherhood is supposed to be.
My throat hurt for the rest of the day.
I knew it was because shouting at her was an act of violence.
I had betrayed my ultimate vow: to nurture her development at all costs.
I made a promise then and there: I would never lose my cool with my child again.
I needed to use every tool I had to check myself so I could keep myself focused and loving, no matter how tired I was.
Thankfully, I knew embodied voice practice well.
I healed my voice with the Y-Buzz, a sustained vocalization that promotes warm, resonant vocal power without any push or pain. The Y-Buzz brought me back in a day.
When I spoke through the Y-Buzz vocal energy, she would hear my voice without my having to push or shout. It’s a potent voice that is warm and loving, but still means business.
This voice became my everyday speaking voice, regardless of the situation: I stayed warm, nurturing, and empowered as her mother.
I no longer scared her with any sort of violent energy when things were not going according to my narrow parenting plans.
In fact, the flexibility of my voice made me more flexible as a parent. Funny how psychosomatic work does that every single time.
I’ve since shared embodied voice work with other parents and they have all shared stories on how it has re-written the narrative on how they parent their children.
Instead of shouting and violence, let it be love for self and child communicated through a healthy voice.
If you want to stop feeling your voice and communication style as an act of violence to yourself and/or your child, my course “Embodied Voice: Feel Dynamic” can flip the script for how you show up as a parent.
You’ll learn the duality of breath and posture to free a tight breath from your chest to freedom in your whole body.
You’ll learn the most sought-after tool in embodied voice work: the Y-Buzz and two more potent voice tools that emerge from it. A resonant voice will empower you in kindness, warmth, and health.
You’ll learn how the ease of vowels creates ease in your spirit as you communicate. Imagine: ease as you communicate with your child regardless of circumstance.
You will have the essential tools to stay in easy control of yourself as you communicate with your child. The tools I teach are mindfulness with the voice which can reprogram yourself to healthy, nonviolent communication practice.
Your child needs you to be your best self. YOU crave being your best self. Let’s get that person back.