Who Am I?: The First of Six Questions to Create the Blueprint for Your Life
This is the first of six articles detailing the core practice of my coaching business, Integrative Studio.
American actor, trainer, and author Uta Hagan created the system I learned as an actor for script analysis and character development. Her “Six Steps for Characterization” became my blueprint for personal life coaching.
I call it the Get Real System.
After college, I began using this system to keep myself goal-oriented and purposeful in my work, hobbies, and relationships.
I have since adapted it to apply to life situations to help my clients get real with:
· The circumstances they find themselves in (let’s call this the “world of the play”)
· How they situate within them (let’s say as the “protagonist” of the play)
· How they interact with others (let’s call them the “supporting players”) to get what they want in life.
This system is at the core of how I have helped my clients move from unconfident and stuck to confident and excited with a renewed focus on their life’s purpose.
Life is a story, and we hold the pen.
I will go through these six questions over six articles to answer them for myself to model objectivity in evaluating life. I will invite you to do the same for each question.
Question 1:
Who am I?
In simple terms, this question asks “Who am I as I relate with other people?”
I am a mother to an almost-10-year-old girl.
I am a small business owner.
I am a personal development and communication coach who wants everyone to feel confident, clear, and purposeful.
I am a college teacher who believes in an equal balance of nurturing vs. tough love for my students.
What’s the common thread between these roles that sum up who I am?
I am a nurturer—I take care of my daughter, clients, business, and students.
Beneath all of that is how I nurture my physical, emotional, and spiritual health to be able to show up fully for everyone else.
➡️ Who am I? I am Melissa Hurt, a nurturer, businesswoman, and leader.
What is my present state of being?
I am content with life as a single mom at this chapter of my life. My daughter and I have a great connection and work well together as I manage the house and teach her how to rise into mature decisions as I prepare her for life.
I am confident in what I offer my clients and am a competent teacher. I love that I can walk into a room, take in the space and the people in it, and teach them something then and there that will be impactful.
I feel I am in springtime in my life, three years post-divorce. I have newness growing in my business and relationships with others. I’m participating in creative activities to increase and enhance my social network.
What am I wearing?
Since I work from home, I mostly wear movement clothes and no makeup! I am more productive when I wear makeup, jewelry, and clothes suitable for leaving the house. If I want to effect change in my work, I need to dress for success because it helps my mindset. Today, I’m wearing a dress as I write all day at my desk.
Now it’s your turn—Who are you? Follow the prompts in this article and be specific!
Remember to pan out and look at yourself as the protagonist of your story. Keep it as objective as possible.
The following article in this series will detail the second question of the Get Real System: What are your given circumstances? Stay tuned!
Melissa Hurt is a personal development and communication coach with her Ph.D. in acting theory. She is the owner of Integrative Studio, where she teaches clients how to release stagnant energy holding them back from becoming their true selves. Get a free gift that starts you on your path to a bird’s-eye-view of your life to take action on the next best steps at www.melissahurt.com/opt-in-home