What's Going On?: The Second of Six Questions to Create the Blueprint for your Life
This is the second of six articles detailing the core practice of my coaching business, Integrative Studio. Find the first article answering “Who Am I?” here.
American actor, trainer, and author Uta Hagan created the system I learned as an actor for script analysis and character development. Her “Six Steps for Characterization” became my blueprint for personal life coaching.
I call it the Get Real System.
Life is a story, and we hold the pen.
After college, I began using this system to keep myself goal-oriented and purposeful in my work, hobbies, and relationships.
I have since adapted it to apply to life situations to help my clients get real with:
The circumstances they find themselves in (let’s call this the “world of the play”)
How they situate within them (let’s say as the “protagonist” of the play)
How they interact with others (let’s call them the “supporting players”) to get what they want in life.
I will go through these six questions over six articles to answer them for myself to model objectivity in evaluating life. I will invite you to do the same for each question.
Question 2:
What are my given circumstances?
Where am I? (Setting and how it impacts behavior)
What time is it? (Year, season, day, time of day)
What has just happened? Is happening?
What do I expect to happen later?
Here is where I examine the circumstances I find myself in. I GET REAL with myself and do not hold back on being completely honest and direct.
Where am I?
I am in my apartment, specifically at my desk. I recently rearranged my desk and small office furniture to accommodate my time on Zoom and recording YouTube content. I feel more productive with my new setup. I have a large stretch of grass and woods out my window, which relaxes me. I keep the lyrics to Mariah Carey’s “Make It Happen” on the side of the filing cabinet in front of me and read them from time to time when I feel frustrated. The song keeps me motivated.
What time is it?
It’s 2022—two years since Covid took over the world and three years as a single mom. It’s been an incredibly stressful and transitional time in my life. I do my best to prioritize my physical, emotional, and spiritual health every day so I can stay clear and focused.
It is June, and I am one month into my summer break from college teaching. I have been re-vamping programs in my business, networking, and developing professionally. I am looking forward to working with my students next semester!
What has just happened? Is happening?
Here is where I pan out a bit to look at moments in my life. I am focusing this particular question on my role as a businesswoman. I have just completed a round of coaching clients through my signature program. I am now assessing the program to optimize content and re-market it for a more extensive market reach. I continue to coach clients on a one-time basis for their voice and speech concerns. In addition, I spend my days networking, developing business proposals, connecting with potential clients on social media, writing marketing copy, graphic designing, and writing articles.
What do I expect to happen?
I expect to book calls with potential clients to schedule seminars and sell coaching programs. I know that what I offer will help them and I am doing everything I can to get my message to them in ways that feel empowering and authentic to me.
Now it’s your turn—What are your given circumstances?
Remember to pan out and look at yourself as the protagonist of your story. Keep it as objective as possible.
Stay tuned for the third article in this series on the Get Real System, where I discuss question three: What are your relationships?
Melissa Hurt is a personal development and communication coach with her Ph.D. in acting theory. She is the owner of Integrative Studio where she teaches clients how to release stagnant energy holding them back from becoming their true selves. Get a free gift that starts you on your path to a bird’s-eye-view of your life so you can take action on the next best steps at www.melissahurt.com/opt-in-home.