You Must Invest Time and Dedication for Personal Development
Let Yourself Shine!
Let Meditation and Beyoncé Get Your Life On Course (Hint: It’s not about you, it’s about serving others)
Grab Anxiety by the Reins By Taking a Breath
Create Your Best Life with Voice Meditation
Finding Balance in Life One Breath at a Time
Self-Care as a Non-Negotiable Boundary
Put COMMUNE back into Communication
Imposter Syndrome is Sabotaging Your Dreams
Is It a Love of Learning or Is It Imposter Syndrome?
How to Teach Kids Wellness, Emotional Intelligence, and Resiliency
Why Kids Need Yoga Now More Than Ever
Help Your Kid's Anxiety by Helping Yourself
Face Your Discomfort to Find Your Inner Self and Resilience
Detox for Body, Mind, and Spirit
The Value of Vocal Humming and Tapping
How to Surrender to Divinity Within to Find Peace and Balance
Five Poses to Build Strength and Stability Intelligently
batch 31-60Melissa Hurtyoga, yoga poses, build strength, build stability, strong core, core strength, postnatal yoga, prenatal yoga, gentle yoga, bandhas
The Benefits of Moving the Spine in Six Directions + A Practice to Explore!
The Value of Breath Awareness in a Movement-Based Practice